What we do

Artisans Association of Ghana (AAG) is a social enterprise that enable sustainable livelihoods for men, women and youth in the informal sector, skill training and upgrading in the construction industry.

The construction industry has increasingly become important and core to the nation’s economy. The Association has members serving the Greater Accra, Volta region, Western Region, and Ashanti Region with a goal to expand nationwide. With affiliation to NVTI and COTVET, and the association train center, trains in demand driven trade skills such as Masonry, Electricals, plumbing, Steel Bending, Welding, Tiling, Landscaping, etc.

There are also specialized skills programmes for supervisors and Engineers. These skills programmes have made direct and measurable impacts in increasing on-site productivity levels, reducing wastage on site, improving safety standards and coordination at work. There is also a job placement service which match trained master craftsmen to available jobs.


Job Matching or Placement

To increase exposure to job and apprenticeship opportunities, AAG provides a menu of services to its members. Job placement services include maintaining a list of member's skills and expertise and matching the artisans with opportunities. AAG also submits proposals to construction firms and other private clients on behalf of its members. AAG's website allows potential clients to search the profile of its member

Training & Workshops

AAG works with NVTI, COTVET and CIPS to deliver training to its members and other artisans and to help them achieve recognised certification in their field. We also train members in general areas of preparation of cost estimation, health and safety, customer service for artisans, workshop administration, effective site supervision, finished, etc. Other professional training areas

  • Entreprenuership Training (Compulsory)
  • General Construction
  • Plumbing
  • Electricals
  • Welding
  • Painting and Decoration
  • Glass Alumi Fabrication
  • Architecture Design
  • Fashion Design
  • Bead Design and Arrangement
  • ICT

Career Guidance & Mentorship

The AAG Mentorship service is rewarding for both the mentor and mentee. This service link experienced professional mentors with less experienced mentees for the purpose of learning skills toward achieving the mentees goals. Mentors are recognized by the community or nationally as leaders in their field. A mentor is a volunteer who desires to share their expertise with less experienced individuals to provide guidance, career goal achievement, building of new skills and sharing of best practices. Mentees must submit an Application Form to be linked to one of the AAG Mentorship Programs and to a personal mentor.

CV Writing

At AAG, we know that having a smart and presentable CV, is a very important step in applying for a job. We provide CV writing services to our members, that helps them prepare a resume that showcases the artisan’s strengths, goals and accomplishments and delivers a resume that shows employers why our members are the right candidates for the job.

Membership Assistance

The Artisans Association Of Ghana assists artisans in the following ways: Easy access to SSINT registration, Group Insurance on Personal accidents, Facilitates the informal enrollment unto Social Security and National Insurance Trust, Easy access to jobs, Access to legal aids, These assistance are aimed at making the lives of artisans better and more fulfilling.

Certification & License Assistance

AAG has established a uniform system of engagement for apprentices. The program includes both theoretical and practical trainings. This is to ensure that all our artisans are well equipped to deliver global standard services to all clients.